Bad Day

Some days are good (maybe “good” is the wrong word; “tolerable”), and some days are bad. It’s been bad lately. This is such an awful, awful thing for me to say, to think, but honestly, they disgust me. The loud, open-mouthed chewing of food disgusts me. Their lack of attention to details so everything looks half-assed disgusts me. The utter omission of please, thank you, you’re welcome, good morning, good night disgusts me. Keeping half inch half-rotting stubs of ginger in the fridge, or a bowl of cornstarch water they didn’t finish… disgusts me. It’s okay to toss out the unused portion of cornstarch water. It’s okay. Using old plastic buckets that were once filled with soy sauce with the Chinaman soy sauce logos all over and just leaving them out around the living room… disgusts me. I mean, isn’t buying a generic bucket from Wal-mart equally budget-friendly?! We have to reuse and repurpose every single old container? Environmental activists, rejoice. You’d love my in-laws.

The fridge and freezer is packed, top down, with junk. Everything is in a plastic bag or a reused repurposed plastic container. You can open the tub of Land-o-Lakes butter and find chopped parsley, or a coffee grains tin filled with dried shrimp. There are plastic grocery bags just filled with homemade mantou like the apocalypse is coming and we need to stock up on carb-loaded mantou to survive. There is always minced meat. MIL will buy one pack of beef and mince it up so that one pack lasts four people all week long. They love buying cabbage and onions because cabbage and onions are dirt cheap. They can stir-fry two chopped onions and that’s a vegetable dish. Eaten with a defrosted homemade mantou coming out of an old grocery bag.

She was going to stay until well after the New Year, but we lied to her and said my sisters were coming for Christmas, so she had to leave before then. So she’s leaving December 22. That was the best we could do.

December 22. Either it’s going to be one very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, or I am going to die before then and never live to see 2016.

Sunday was a bad day. Monday was a bad day. Yesterday was a bad day. This morning also started off badly when I couldn’t get into my own kitchen to make coffee or cook myself breakfast because her fat ass was in the way.

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